For Parents

Alcohol & Drug Rehab Treatment: Massachusetts Addiction Treatment Center Near Me [Massachusetts Rehab Treatment]

Parenting teenagers and young adults can be a challenge.

If you find yourself worried about your adolescent's mental health or potential substance use, please know that you're not alone. Adolescence is a complex stage of development and isn’t getting any easier.   

We are here to help.

We can work with you and your adolescent:  first to determine what help is needed, and then to provide education, counseling, or more intensive outpatient treatment. We coordinate with McLean Hospital and other excellent specialized providers for more complex diagnoses.

Our approach.

We treat the whole person in the context of their lives, working with adolescents individually, in family therapy, and with their schools and other providers, as needed. 

Other important facets of our approach:

  • Comprehensive assessment that starts at intake, when we make an initial recommendation for treatment, and continues throughout the next three months. The assessment informs the ongoing treatment plan, identifying issues and noting treatments that are effective for that person.

  • Individualized treatment plans address each person’s unique needs. Treatment plans include some combination of individual, group, and family therapies, as well as medication. For adolescents with substance abuse disorders, plans may also include drug and alcohol testing and medication to reduce cravings for substances. 

  • Our recovery-oriented approach emphasizes hope, self-determination, and empowerment. The skills and insights adolescents develop now can have a positive effect on the rest of their lives. 

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